May 26, 2009 | Security Testing
Building tests for role-based security, which limit user access by login, could be among the most challenging test scenarios. Testers will be most successful if they dialogue with compliance and thoroughly vet business processes. That’s particularly true when...
Aug 1, 2007 | Security Testing
Implementing User Role-Based Security Testing For Enterprise Applications Security has become a critical issue at many levels, including access to individual computers, networks, services, applications and accounts. News reports of security breaches are all too...
Aug 1, 2007 | Security Testing, Testing
As I write this, I’m thinking of last night’s midsummer classic—the 2007 All-Star Game—in which the National League was an extra base-hit away from a dramatic ninth-inning, come-from-behind win. But alas, the American League will again have home-field...