True Performance Case Files
It starts with a bug- an invisible bug that turns one user’s experience into a long and painful waiting game that usually ends badly. If only they had called tin the Performance Police. The deadline’s Friday. This Friday. That’s when this baby goes live; when the...
Advanced Software Testing: Reviews
This is another webinar in a series on advanced software testing, excerpted from Rex’s popular book, Advanced Software Testing: Volume 2, a book for test managers.

How to Pick Testing Tools
Ultimately, those of us who consider ourselves software engineers, like all engineers, are in the business of building useful things. Of course, engineers need tools. Civil engineers have dump trucks, trenching machines, and graders. Mechanical engineers have CAD/CAM...
Listen to Your Defects
In this webinar, Rex will discuss important things test professionals can learn by listening to defects. He’ll illustrate these insights with a variety of case studies and examples. You’ll walk away ready to listen to your defects, and to understand what they’re telling you.

Beautiful Testing Satisfies Stakeholders
This article, contributed by STP guest editor Rex Black, is reprinted from “Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software” (O’Reilly, October 2009). The book, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher, is a compilation of essays from 27...
Engineering Quality Goes Bananas
This is a case study in how we reduced our risks and achieved our test automation objectives in just a few months on a total outlay of $0 for tools. Now, it wasn’t as if we started with zero cost as a target. Often, buying tools is the most cost-effective solution, so we evaluated test automation tools as a potential solution.