STP Radio: Cathy Huang with Applause on Automation Balance and Testing’s Future
We learn from Cathy’s customer feedback and experiences around automation strategy, artificial intelligence, and some possible new capabilities coming to the Applause solutions.

How to Rebuild Trust in Your Test Automation
In this webinar, we will focus on understanding How can we start trusting our automated tests again? Let’s explore what you can do to repair the situation-or, even better, prevent it from happening in the first place.

The State of AI for Testing
In this webinar, Jennifer Bonine will discuss the impact and scope of AI in testing. She will address some of the most burning questions out there on the subject around its impact to testers and give practical advice for when and how to add AI to your testing practices.

AI Test Generation – What We’ve Learned So Far.
Since AI driven test generation was first introduced in 2017, much has been learned. Millions of test steps were generated and executed, finding thousands of bugs. We will dig into how the technology works, where it works and doesn’t.

Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Michael Bolton
Here is your opportunity to ask any questions to Michael Bolton. Michael is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people solve testing problems that they didn’t realize they could solve.

The QE/QA Role: Supporting DevOps the Smart Way
Focusing on more valuable automation, shifting traditional “right” tasks left, and tailoring refinement to account for more efficient activities are some of the topics we’ll discuss.

Intro to Postmodern Testing
Recorded 01/23/19 Modern testing isn’t keeping up with Agile and DevOps. Postmodern testing, like its artistic parallel, is the acceptance of this reality and practically combines the learnings of what works and what doesn’t in today’s software engineering landscape....
Testing for Accessibility and Inclusive Design
Accessibility is making sure that your product can be used by as many people as possible, including the use of external technologies to help deliver your product experience to people that have disabilities. Inclusive Design is the development of products that allow for the greatest number of users to use and experience them without the need for additional technology.

STP Radio: Perfomance Gurus – Proegler, Pulley and Tomlinson – STPCon Fall 2016
The always entertaining Eric Proegler, Mark Tomlinson, and James Pulley chat with Smita Mishra on another STP Radio episode. Listen in and find out how infuriating Mark’s puzzler workshop on performance will be, how to interpret performance results with Eric,...
STP Radio: Leo Laskin & Kevin Berg of Sauce Labs – STPCon Fall 2016
It’s that time again. Time for our STP Radio host, Mike Lyles, to have a conversation with more of our STPCon speakers. Today, Mike chats with one of our Keynote Speakers, Leo Laskin of Sauce Labs. He also finds out more about Kevin Berg’s sessions and the...