In today’s Agile world the time to market is becoming increasingly shorter. There is a constant desire to release new features to keep ahead of the competition. Because of this, we have a shorter amount of time to do exploratory and manual testing. Especially, when you have to account for all the different combinations of OS’s, languages, orientations, and resolutions your mobile app supports.
My goal was to know more about my application for every new build. By using Automated Exploratory Testing I could do so more efficiently.
Specifically, I wanted to know:
- Elements which had accessibility labels and which didn’t.
- How my designs looked for every resolution and orientation we supported by taking a screenshot.
- Capture any logs errors and record them.
- Detect language or locale issues.
- Capture performance metrics for benchmarking and detecting trends.
- The ability to replay a test after a code fix.
Webinar Take Aways: QA, Development or Product owners will come away with knowing the benefits of adding automated exploratory testing to the build process. What open source tools are available and how to use them for both manual and automated testing. Attendees will also learn why it’s important to keep this information for detecting trends and historical information of your apps development.

Justin Ison
Senior Success Engineer at Applitools
Previously, he was a senior software engineer at Microsoft Berlin, Germany working on the Wunderlist app. He has over seventeen years experience working on Software Quality, with the last six primarily developing server, web, and mobile test automation. He is passionate about test automation and loves finding new efficient and effective ways to improve software quality with software.