Today’s Regression Automation Challenge for Continuous Delivery

Today’s Regression Automation Challenge for Continuous Delivery

Regression Automation is all over the map today. The software testing world is way more varied than people think. Some organizations have thousands of tests constantly running on all kinds of VMs taking multiple days to execute, while others have no test automation at all. Any hope of Continuous Delivery or Pipeline Automation makes this current state unsustainable.

What You Need to Know About Web App Security Testing in 2018

What You Need to Know About Web App Security Testing in 2018

Security testing is a huge topic. In this webinar, Ken will discuss his experience working for small companies where security testing is a requirement, but often gets overlooked. Ken will explore some of the basic things a software development professionals should know about web application security, such as the resources available from OWASP.

Automated Exploratory Testing

Automated Exploratory Testing

In today’s Agile world the time to market is becoming increasingly shorter. There is a constant desire to release new features to keep ahead of the competition. Because of this, we have a shorter amount of time to do exploratory and manual testing. Especially, when you have to account for all the different combinations of OS’s, languages, orientations, and resolutions your mobile app supports.

Continuous Integration and How it Affects Testing

Continuous Integration and How it Affects Testing

What is Continuous Integration (CI)? Why use it? How is testing affected by CI? Do you ever sit in meetings where developers talk about Continuous Integration and wonder what it is and why they’re talking about it? Then this webinar is for you! No understanding of CI necessary! We’ll talk about where the practice originated, how it has evolved over time and why it is such a major part of the competitive landscape of software development today. We’ll go over how tests can be integrated into CI; what new roles and responsibilities emerge for testers when CI is introduced; and how CI helps testers.

Getting Started with Automation

Getting Started with Automation

An introduction to better practices and some of the common tool sets used when creating a comprehensive and scalable automated testing strategy. The purpose of this webinar is to lay the groundwork for a more comprehensive conversation with your team(s) about what overall strategy and architecture is appropriate for your products and customers both now and for the future.

Fast Start Your Test Automation

Fast Start Your Test Automation

What is the biggest defeat of a tester? A defect creeping into production – a simple but critical defect. Sometimes complicated defects are difficult to find in the short time allowed for testing, but simpler defects creeping out, and creating havoc, could be an...