Machine Learning and Its Impact to Software Development

Machine Learning and Its Impact to Software Development

The value of machine learning is rooted in its ability to create models that guide future actions and to discover patterns missed by the naked eye. Machine learning methods are vastly superior in analyzing potential customer churn across data from multiple sources such as transactional, social media, and CRM sources.

Entrepreneurship in Software Testing

Entrepreneurship in Software Testing

Are you on your way to be an independent consultant or starting a Software Testing startup? Do you feel it is more like a leap of faith or is it a very calculated step taken only when you are 100% sure of success? In order to succeed, there are some general heuristics that need to be taken care of, irrespective of which business you start but then there are specifics about the nature of business and subject matter involved that hold true for a particular kind of enterprise.

Let’s Get Real About Test Automation – Using a Context-Driven Approach

Let’s Get Real About Test Automation – Using a Context-Driven Approach

Recorded 05/09/18 Test automation – everyone’s doing it, but very few can truly claim they’ve realized the benefits they desire (or were promised). This has led to new tools, approaches, and frameworks popping up almost daily with claims of finally achieving test...
Enhanced Customer Experience by Proactive Performance Testing

Enhanced Customer Experience by Proactive Performance Testing

Now a days, customer experience plays the crucial role for both traditional and digital business. Customer experience is about knowing the customer so detail that organizations can deliver the personalized experiences with enhanced features and performance. This will not only satisfy them but also convince them to remain loyal and influence others. Though application’s speed, scalability, stability, and availability are not only parameters to measure the customer experience these are the most important factors for customer experience.

Managing Quality within Budget and Schedule Constraints: Successful and Unsuccessful Techniques

Managing Quality within Budget and Schedule Constraints: Successful and Unsuccessful Techniques

In this webinar, Rex will discuss ways that test professionals can help their project teams resolve that quandary.  First, it’s important to recognize the trade-offs being made, and then test professionals can promote the five elements of making successful trade-offs: shared vision; disciplined management; quality in, and bugs out, throughout; focused testing; and, sending the right message.  Rex will illustrate these five elements with a variety of case studies and examples.